A Shaman can undertake a soul retrieval ceremony with you to transform energy blocks and loss. Spirit designs the ceremony giving you exactly what you require at that moment, restoring the balance within.
We live in amazing times of challenge and change that impact on us both personally and in our communities. Our health and wellness may not be as we wish. Do you find that you are “not feeling yourself?” Do you have chronic illness you can’t shake off or stuck in the trauma of a difficult experience? A Shamanic healing ceremony can bring help.
Illness, from a Shamanic perspective is seen as a loss of a power, a loss of part of the soul; The key essence of us which has left.
Healing methods including:
- Soul Retrieval
- Extraction Medicine
- Psycho-pomp work
- Transfiguration
- Other methodologies
If you feel a Shamanic Healing Ceremony is for you, the first step is to contact me and have a chat. It is important that you make an informed decision that this is the right step for you, at the right time and with the right person. This is not a ‘rescue mission’ or ‘quick fix’ approach.
If you choose to go forward with a healing ceremony you will be advised of the preparation work you need to do. whether the work is to be undertaken remotely or in person.
The Healing Ceremony takes place at an agreed time and date. You are welcome to bring those you love and who support you. Or you can undertake the ceremony on your own. At the end of the ceremony, Spirit will give you a Healing Story which will help you to integrate the changes you wish to make in your life. After- care and support is a vital part of the healing ceremonial process. Preparation, the ceremony and integration afterwards are all necessary stages we go through to bring the change our heart desires.
Integration work is a vital part of your healing process. We arrange follow up phone calls and and a face to face appointment for continued support after the ceremony.
Shamanic Healing is not a replacement for Psychotherapy or orthodox medical treatment. I am happy to discuss your healing with any medical practitioner/therapist you may be receiving treatment from with your express permission, if appropriate.
This is a beautiful and often challenging healing process.
Does this feel like a way forward for you? If so, please do not hesitate to contact me
All information copyright to ©Maxine Smillie 2025